Contract Spouting

Ultrasound Welding Technology
Thanks to our ultrasonic welding machine, we can weld spouts into 100% recyclable bags without causing damage to the product.
Our facility processes pre-fabricated bags made from the following materials:
- Monofilms from PP or PE
- Mono-Composites of PP/PE
- Composite foils such as PET/ALU/PE, PET/PE
The finished bags can be delivered loose in cartons or via a rail system.
Heat Sealing Technology
With this technique, we process "classic" multi-layer foils with aluminum layers, allowing for larger formats than those possible with ultrasonic processing.

Material Characteristics
Possible Format Sizes
Bag Width:
min. 80 mm
max. 160 mm
Bag Height:
• min. 100 mm
• max. 270 mm (1L)
• max. bag opening 110 mm (max. sealing length)
• min. bag opening with spout Ø 8,5 mm = 45 mm
• min. bag opening with spout Ø 10,5 mm = 68 mm
Experts Contract Spouting:
Wolfgang Gruber
Technical Distribution
Fon +49 (0) 6432 98883-15
Samuel Gärtner
Technical Distribution
Fon +49 (0) 6432 98883-16
Contact us:
Wolfgang Gruber
Samuel Gärtner
We look forward to refining your products!